Client: Deglava Real Estate, Ltd.
Project completion period: 2017.
Project description: In 2017, Firma L4's specialists performed the expert examination of the construction project “New Construction and Reconstruction of the Rimi Warehouse Complex and Office Building at Augusta Deglava Street 161, Riga”. Within the framework of the construction project, it is planned to rebuild the existing warehouse complex, expanding it in the NE direction, as well as build a new office building for warehouse workers. The expert examination was carried out for the following sections of the construction project – AR (architectural solutions), BK (building structures), DOP (work organization project), UPP (fire safety measures review), EE (temporary energy certificate), UK (internal water supply and sewerage), UKT (external water supply and sewerage), EL (internal power supply), ELT (external power supply), AVK (heating, ventilation, cooling).